Family Educational Right and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Best known for Buckley Amendment Act


A federal law that protects the privacy of the students’ academic information. The law applies to all schools and universities that receive funds under an applicable program of the Unites States Department of Education.

Every student has the right to Access or refuse to disclose their confidential academic information. You may request Access to the academic records upon written to verify the accuracy of your academic record. Also has the right to be notifies before providing information by court order or the Comptroller of Puerto Rico  

Aplicable laws to the LIMITATIONS ABOUT the use of social security – ApRIL 2007

To prohibit the use of the social security number like routine identification on public and private educational institutions from the elementary level until the postgraduate, establish standards about the use of this in the educational institutions, authorize the Council of Higher Education and the Council of General Education to impose administrative fines for violating the standards and set deadlines to fulfill them.