We welcome you to the Admissions section of Herbert Fletcher University (HFU). In the “Admission Menu” you will find everything concerning to the Admission process, including the Admission Form. The HFU Admissions Office is ready to offer you an excellent service and the necessary assistance to help you complete your application process. Feel free to contact us!

E-mail: admissions@hfu.edu

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday 8:00 a. m. to 12:00 p. m. – 1:00 p. m. to 5:00 p. m. (GMT/UTC -4:00)

Mailing Address:


Admission Office

PO Box 3269

Mayaguez, Puerto Rico 00681


Street Address:


Admission Office

Carretera #2 Km. 158.2

#744 Avenida Hostos Barrio Guanajibo

Mayaguez, Puerto Rico 00680


Telephone and Fax

Telephone: +1 (305) 712-3732

Fax: +1 (305) 280-7122


Office Personnel

Sherleen Oyarzabal

Admissions and Records Officer


Functions of the Admissions Office:

  • Manage, integrate, evaluate, plan, coordinate and monitor the student’s admission process.
  • Evaluate the academic and personal qualifications of the candidates for admission and report the decision in each particular case.
  • Produce and distribute applications, forms and admission materiales.
  • Know the laws and regulations related to the candidate’s admission.
  • Evaluate the credit transfer to accept candidates for the selected program.
  • Make digital and printed storage of official documents such as application forms, personal identifications, recommendations and other official documents belonging to the admission office in a vault with controlled access.
  • Guard the vault where are stores the printed records of the applicants.

Your vision…our goal!